The Tree Haus Metro District’s (THMD) primary responsibility is to provide potable, finished water to district residents under compliance of Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) guidelines. THMD also maintains the district’s wastewater infrastructure that conveys the neighborhood sewage to Steamboat Spring’s wastewater system near Fetcher Pond. The quarterly water & sewer fees of $300.00 per kitchen assessed each property owner, cover a majority of the district’s water operations costs.
The THMD sources its water from the Yampa River water-table aquifer through a lateral gallery several feet below the surface. The water is pumped into a sequence of settling tanks, through a multiple filter stream and chlorinated prior to being pumped to a 70,000 gallon holding tank above the Tree Haus neighborhood. The water system is maintained by Yampa Valley Water Treatment and water quality is monitored on a regular basis. State (CDPHE) testing is done annually and results are available to each Tree Haus property owner via the Tree Haus Metro District website.
Additionally, the THMD is responsible for roadway maintenance and repairs. This includes snow plowing throughout the winter months. The ‘No Parking’ in the Roadway from November to May signs are to notify homeowners and renters of the seriousness in keeping all Tree Haus roadways clear for the early morning snowplows and unexpected emergency vehicles. Winter snow and ice on much of Tree Haus Drive and William William narrow the margin of error for all drivers. Please Do Not Park overnight along the roadways during the winter months.
Lastly, the THMD recognizes the Routt County Noxious Weed mitigation mandates and takes efforts toward compliance every weed season.