New Building and Remodels

All plans for new home construction and remodels that effect a change in the building footprint (or kitchen or subdividing a unit) must submit plans (preferably one hard copy) to the Metro District Board for review and approval.

Excavation and Road Damage Deposit: All new home building and remodels that require any site excavation and/or heavy equipment operation on and off the Tree Haus roadways will be asked to submit a Road Damage deposit of $3500.  The property owner must provide evidence of the contractor’s insurance coverage before any construction begins.  (Homeowner is ultimately responsible for any damages)

Any water or sewer line work planned in the ROW must be approved by TH Metro District.  We will review scope, procedure, traffic control, insurance, compaction reports, and observation by our water plant operator.

Service: The water service line to each lot, from the corp valve, at the water main, to curb stop and beyond (to house) belongs to the lot owner.  Tap fees paid by the first property lot owner do not include maintenance of any curb stop (nor do “right to serve fees”).  The water system and lot service curb stops were put in place in the early 1970s.  Several undisturbed curb stops have most frequently been covered by 50 years of neglect and/or landscaping.  Currently, Geri Locates @ 970-819-0547 provides buried utility service locates.  Make sure your curb stop is accessible year-round for emergency shut off. 

Sewer Service:  The sewer service line from each house and/or lot to the main sewer line is the lot owners’ responsibility.  All sewer service lines are 4 inches in diameter.   The main sewer line is 6 inches in diameter.   Additionally, there are sewer service lines that serve multiple lots/homes.  The map of private sewer service lines can be found on the Metro District website under Metro District Documents – TH sewer service lines.  All effluent from Tree Haus passes through a siphon that flushes our wastewater under the Yampa River to join Mt Werner/City of SS wastewater system.  The 4” and 6” pipes can be constricted with any and all non-organic materials or ‘stuff’ flushed down the toilet.  Please help keep our sewage transport pipes clear.  

HOA Covenants:  Exterior building design elements particular to Tree Haus are found here.  Most notably is the 20’ side setbacks that give Tree Haus its unique character.  Please visit the Tree Haus HOA website for more information.